The Truckload Sale is Nearly Here!
Scroll down to find our November 2019 Sales Flyers...
Stop in during normal open hours for deals on all your favorite products.
Wine Deals
Huge savings on bottles, bigger savings on cases. - limited quantities on some wines.
Great Prices
Huge savings on frozen, grocery, produce, dairy, and at the butcher counter
Gas Deals
Gas 10¢ off per gallon - Thursday 6/6 and Friday 6/7 only.
Many More Unadvertised Specials Throughout the Store!
Thursday & Friday: All Gas 10¢ off per gallon.
Pre-order available for meats! Call ahead or visit in store to pre-order.
Use your VIP Card and earn points on every dollar spent on grocery items. Don’t have one?
Sales Flyers
Click the flyers below to enlarge.
*while supplies last, subject to change.